5 Reasons Why Cats Love People Who Hate Them

Cats are infamous for hating just about everybody, and yet so many people still want to be close to them. Why? The answer may be in their genes, or it may be their amazing ability to connect with humans on an emotional level that allows them to sense our emotions, know when we’re happy or sad, and feel compassion even when we don’t want them to. Either way, here are five reasons why cats love people who hate them.
1) We are predictable
We usually have a set routine that we stick to day in and day out. This predictability is something that cats find comfort in because they know what to expect from us. Plus, we’re always there when they need us.
We provide them with food and shelter (three sentences): One of the most important things we provide for our cats is food and shelter.
2) We make them feel safe
When we’re around, they don’t have to worry about being attacked or hurt. They know that we’ll protect them from harm. This makes them feel safe and secure, which is something they crave. A cat will always seek out a person who seems to like them. Even if the person does not show it on the outside, cats are very perceptive animals and can sense how you feel about them in many ways: by the tone of your voice when you speak to them, by how you pet them, by how much time you spend with them-even if you do it reluctantly!
3) We give their sleepy brains a treat
According to a new study, cats actually love people who hate them. The research, conducted by the University of Vienna, found that when cats were presented with a negative emotion, they responded positively more than two-thirds of the time. Researchers believe this is because the cat’s brain reacts well to being stimulated in any way and is rewarded by producing dopamine. For many cats, this stimulation comes from interactions with humans who show disdain for them, and even if it’s coming from a person they dislike or are unfamiliar with, the cat will still want their attention and interaction.
4) We let them take over the place
We let them sleep on our beds, often times in the middle of the night. We give them their own food and water bowls, and we scoop out their litter boxes. We buy them toys and scratch posts, and we open the door for them when they want to go outside. In short, we let them take over the place. And they love us for it!
5) We actually care when they want to play
When a cat wants to play, they don’t care if you’re busy or not. They’ll come up to you and start rubbing against you or batting at your hand until you give in and start playing with them. And once you’re playing, they’ll be sure to keep the fun going by running around, hiding, and leaping out at you. It’s all just a big game to them.
Though it may seem like cats enjoy making the lives of those who hate them a living hell, there are actually several reasons why cats develop strong bonds with these individuals. In many cases, it boils down to the fact that cats can sense when someone needs them the most and they take great pleasure in being able to provide comfort and companionship when it’s needed most.
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